The Painted Poster

Janis Joplin was a huge talent in a tiny woman, best loved for her powerful singing voice. She was conflicted daily between her ego and her self esteem.
Janis Joplin was a huge talent in a tiny woman, best loved for her powerful singing voice. She was conflicted daily between her ego and her self esteem.
This painting of Jim Morrison seems to take flight with emerging bird wings and an eagle that appeared on his chest while I was blocking in his figure.
This painting of Jim Morrison seems to take flight with emerging bird wings and an eagle that appeared on his chest while I was blocking in his figure.
My vision of Marilyn reveals the vulnerability and emotional frailty that belies her public sex symbol persona. With her hands placed behind her back and plunging neckline, she seems to be offering herself up to the highest bidder.
My vision of Marilyn reveals the vulnerability and emotional frailty that belies her public sex symbol persona. With her hands placed behind her back and plunging neckline, she seems to be offering herself up to the highest bidder.

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